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德科集團旗下全球人(rén)力資源外包品牌Pontoon,任命Marisa Kacary為(wèi)高(gāo)級副總裁、全球營銷主管,該任命自2016年9月5日生(shēng)效。這是Pontoon新設的一個(gè)職位。
Kacary擁有(yǒu)超過22年的市場(chǎng)營銷經驗,最近曾在Alexander Mann和(hé)光輝國際旗下的睿程擔任全球領導職務。在以前的角色中,Kacary在多(duō)個(gè)地區(qū)領導品牌轉型。Kacary将在Pontoon的倫敦辦事處辦公。
Pontoon appoints global marketing exec
(Sep.18, 2016, /HRoot.com/)Pontoon, the global HR outsourcing brand for Adecco Group, appointed Marisa Kacary as senior VP, global head of marketing, effective Sept. 5. This is a new role within Pontoon.
Based in Jacksonville, Fla., Pontoon provides managed service provider and recruitment process outsourcing services. Adecco at the start of the year merged its London-based division called hyphen — also an MSP and RPO provider — with its Pontoon division; Pontoon now counts 1,700 internal staff and serves as the global HR outsourcing brand for Adecco Group.
Kacary has more than 22 years of marketing experience and recently held global leadership positions at Alexander Mann and Korn/Ferry Futurestep. In her previous roles, she led brand transformation efforts across multiple regions. Kacary is based in Pontoon’s London office.