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總部設在英國的國際專業人(rén)力資源公司英飛集團(Empresaria Group)(倫敦證券交易所代碼:AMR)日前公布了截止于2016年6月30日的2016财年上(shàng)半年财報,其營收為(wèi)1.061億英鎊,較2015年同期的0.924億英鎊同比上(shàng)漲15%,按固定彙率同比上(shàng)漲11%。
2016上(shàng)半财年 | 2015上(shàng)半财年 | 同比漲跌幅度 | 按固定彙率同比漲跌幅度 | |
營收 | 1.061億英鎊 | 0.924億英鎊 | 15% | 11% |
淨服務收入 | 0.272億英鎊 | 0.241億英鎊 | 13% | 9% |
運營利潤 | 340萬英鎊 | 290萬英鎊 | 17% | 14% |
2016上(shàng)半财年 | 2015上(shàng)半财年 | 同比漲跌幅度 | |
英國 | 3200萬英鎊 | 3190萬英鎊 | 0.3% |
歐洲大(dà)陸 | 4320萬英鎊 | 3600萬英鎊 | 20% |
其他地區(qū) | 3100萬英鎊 | 2450萬英鎊 | 26.5% |
Empresaria Group half-year 2016 revenue increased 15%,driven by temporary and contract business
(Aug.23, 2016, /HRoot.com/)Empresaria Group (EMR: AIM) the international specialist staffing firm reported revenue of £106.1 million for the half year ending 30 June 2016, an increase of 11% in constant currency (CC) and an increase of 15% in real terms from £92.4 million in 2015.
H1 2016 | H1 2015 | Change | Constant Currency | |
Revenue | £106.1 million | £92.4 million | 15% | 11% |
Net Fee Income | £27.2 million | £24.1 million | 13% | 9% |
Operating Profit | £3.4 million | £2.9 million | 17% | 14% |
Revenue grew by 15%, up 11% in constant currency, primarily from growth in temporary/contract revenue,which grew by 17% (12% in constant currency). Having restructured its temporary sales over the last two years to remove low value work, Empresaria stated that it was pleased to see the sales level return to growth.
Permanent revenue grew by 4% (2% in constant currency), despite previously announced slowdown in May and June in the UK in the lead up to the EU referendum.
By geography, Empresaria Group reported revenue during 2016 as follows:
H1 2016 | H1 2015 | Change | |
UK | £32.0 million | £31.9 million | 0.3% |
Continental Europe | £43.2 million | £36.0 million | 20% |
Rest of World | £31 million | £24.5 million | 26.5% |
In July 2016, Empresaria announced the acquisition of an 82.6% interest in New Zealand-based Rishworth Aviation Limited and its sister companies (together known as Rishworth) for a total cash consideration of £7.5 million.