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Robert Walters :with talent demand outstripping supply in Switzerland, employers must assess their recruitment strategies
(Aug.19, 2016, /HRoot.com/)Demand for talent is outstripping supply in Switzerland, which means hiring managers must work harder to attract the best talent, according to the Robert Walters Swiss Market Update.
The report also shows that the first half of 2016 was characterised by active hiring among businesses in Switzerland, of both permanent and temporary professionals. Demand for staff is expected to continue for the remainder of the year as Switzerland benefits from its profile as a stable and growing economy. However, as companies set their sights on growth and vacancy levels consequently increase, the supply of talent cannot quite keep up which means that employers must assess their recruitment strategies to find and keep the best talent.
There has been particularly strong demand for legal and compliance professionals within financial services, as financial regulation continues to dominate the business agenda. Moreover, international firms are more open to taking talent from abroad.
There is also a trend towards hiring more temporary staff in Switzerland. Across all sectors, Robert Walters has seen instances where hiring managers cannot find the right permanent candidate, so they fill the gap with temporary employees.
Robert Walters states that for senior people who can offer a specialist skillset and are willing to work on a temporary basis, they can secure attractive day rates. The index finds that despite the competition to secure the best candidates, permanent salaries in Switzerland have broadly remained unchanged and there has been a cool down of inflated pay and bonuses. Candidates are more realistic, and even at senior levels people are taking salary reductions or moving for the same pay as they seek better career progression or work-life balance.